Program Annual Meeting 2021 - Millenium Nucleus CYCLO

24th & 25th of June


Thursday 24th of June

11:00 - 11:05 hrs.

Reception of attendees

11:05 – 11:25 hrs.

Daniel Melnick (Director CYCLO, Univ. Austral de Chile): Past Achievements, Present Tasks and Future Challenges of CYCLO.

11:25 – 11:40 hrs.

Alan Nelson (Senior Researcher CYCLO, US Geological Survey): Reassessing ages for coastal evidence of megathrust earthquakes and tsunamis along Cascadia.

11:40 – 11:55 hrs.

Fabrice Cotton (Senior Researcher CYCLO, GFZ-Potsdam Germany): Seismicity models included in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA).

11:55 – 12:10 hrs.

Kelin Wang (Senior Researcher CYCLO, Geological Survey of Canada): Highlights of recent deformation studies along the Chile margin.

12:10 – 12:25 hrs.

Jean-Paul Ampuero (CYCLO Collaborator, Geoazur Univ Coté d´Azur, France): Rupture dynamics and segmentation of very large earthquakes.

12:25 – 12:40 hrs.

Anne Socquet (CYCLO Collaborator, ISTerre Univ. Grenoble, France): Investigating the variations in loading and the potential link with earthquakes.

12:40 – 13:00 hrs.

Final discussion.

Sessions of Research Lines

15:00 – 16:00 hrs.

Research Line RL1 Temporal dimension of the seismic cycle.

16:00 – 17:00 hrs.

Research Line RL2 Spatial dimension and numerical modelling of the seismic cycle.

Friday 25th of June

10:00 - 11:00 hrs.

Research Line RL3 Upper plate response to the seismic cycle.

11:00 - 12:00 hrs.

Research Line RL4 Seismic hazard modelling.

12:00 - 13:00 hrs.

Research Line RL5 Deformation at decadal time-scale.

Exposiciones y listas de videos

RL1: Temporal dimension of the seismic cycle

- Marco Cisterna
- Ignacia Calisto
- Daniel Steward
- Matías Carvajal
- Bladimir Saldaña
- Diego Aedo
- Gino Figueroa
- Javiera San Martín
- Paulina Ditzel
- Valentina Moreno
- Octavio Fuentes
- Diego Aedo-

RL2: Spatial dimension and numerical simulation of the seismic cycle

- Andrés Tassara
- Diego Molina
- Joaquín Julve
- Iñigo Echeverría
- Catalina Santelices

RL3: Upper plate response to the seismic cycle

- Joaquín Cortés
- Luis Astudillo
- Jorge Oviedo
- Martín Riedel
- Sepúlveda, Vega, Arriagada
- Iván Rojas
- Fernanda Narbona
- José Martínez
- Natan Wolff

RL4: Seismic Hazard modeling

- Gonzalo Montalva
- Alicia Rivas
- Thiare Magallanes
- Ignacio Poza
- José Drapela
- Diego Cárdenas
- Carolina Peña
- Catalina Cabello
- Rodrigo Cifuentes
- Francisco Acuña

RL5: Deformation at decadal time-scale

- Marcos Moreno